Leave a Legacy Gift
In Memory Donations
Leaving a gift in memory of a loved one is a wonderful way to remember and celebrate their life. There are a number of ways you might choose to do this:
- Asking friends and family to make a donation in lieu of flowers
- Set up a Tribute Fund
- Enter a walk or race in their memory
- Host a memorial event
- Make a one-off donation in memory of a loved one

The Process
The process is simple and easy, and you can always change your mind later. We recommend you speak to your solicitor to ensure your wishes will be carried out exactly as you intend.
You will need to take the following details with you:
Charity name: YMCA Fairthorne Group
Registered charity number: 1090981 (England and Wales)
Registered address: Fairthorne Manor, Botley Road, Curbridge, Southampton SO30 2GH
If you’d like to discuss your legacy intentions with us, we’d be honoured.
The difference your donations make
Meet Sophie
Due to her poly-cystic kidney disorder, growing up was quite difficult for Sophie.
Meet Michael
Before coming to the YMCA, Michael had a pretty tough life due to difficult living arrangements with different family members and foster carers.
Get In Touch
If you would like to find out more about leaving a legacy with YMCA-Fairthorne Group, contact