Young carers action day

16 January 2024

Today is Young Carers Action Day, a very important day for us, as here at YMCA, we are proud to run the largest young carers festival at our Fairthorne Manor site every year – where over 1500 young carers join us for the weekend; gaining both respite from their caring responsibilities and the opportunity to just be young people.

Trudie Augustus-Harris, from YMCA Young Carers, tells us more:

“Being a carer can be a challenge. For many, it is an unpaid role where circumstance dictates that someone is often the sole support for a loved one and their family. But imagine being a young carer, where grown-up responsibilities run hand in hand with important things they need, such as getting an education.

The average age of a young carer is just 12 years old – but even at this age, they could find themselves looking after one, a few or even all of their family members due to physical or mental health issues.  They may find themselves running the household and carrying out additional tasks such as cleaning, shopping and paying bills as well as providing childcare for their siblings”.

Trudie says “A very common issue for young carers is social isolation, so to be part of a group where you are accepted for who you are, not judged and can have fun in a safe environment is a really important part of our service.”

Young carers often put aside their own needs so they can provide support and care for someone close to them.

If you would like to help at our Young Carers Festival, then please get in touch. These sorts of services and events can only work to their full potential with the generosity of people’s time and the support of donations.